Hello, neighbor! We are excited to meet you!


My name is Jennifer Simler! I am a mom, a wife, and a mechanical engineer! My husband and I own a professional handyman and small general contractor business called Simler Solutions LLC. We are here to provide quality content about DIY home improvement projects and the best products we’ve used to get the job done. With the cost of houses and interest rates, you may be looking to customize your home so it fits your needs and esthetic better instead of buying a new home. Maybe you are getting ready to sell your house or you are a first time home buyer. I know a lot of people don't know where to start. Fortunately for you, my husband and I have quite a bit of experience in this area between our handyman business, our own fixer uppers, growing up on farms, and work experience. I also love researching the best products and renovation designs. 

Who is Jennifer Simler?

I grew up on 20 acres in Emmett, Idaho which is a small town outside Boise, Idaho. We owned horses, pigs, and goats. I was heavily involved in 4-H for 11 years (projects included leadership, horses and swine with a couple other projects sprinkled in.) I played basketball from elementary school through my sophomore year of high school. After 9 years, you’d expect me to be better than I was! I competed in High School Rodeo all through high school. I learned a lot about horses and myself. I was one of those stressed out, overachiever kids in high school. Pretty sure everyone would agree that I could have lightened up. I had incredible friends and even though we are scattered around the country, it’s like we didn’t skip a beat when we get together. 

As for my husband, we are high school sweethearts. We met at our parent’s class reunion when I was 12 and he was 14. We were literally pen pals then we upgraded to chain e-mail then to MySpace friends and started dating in high school. It’s been 13 years and we’ve been married for 4 years. We’ve been there for each other during all the big life changes and the good and hard times.

After high school, I studied at the University of Idaho and graduated with my bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. I found a way to volunteer in Thailand for 3 months before starting my first professional job. Ryan travelled to Thailand during my last week and proposed under water while we were scuba diving. When we returned, Ryan and I moved to Port Orchard, Washington where I worked as a mechanical engineer for a Naval Shipyard for 3 years.

During our time in Port Orchard, we found some amazing mentors and they taught us a lot about a growth mindset, consistency, having a positive attitude and leadership skills. They made a huge impact on our lives. They also helped build our relationship and gave us the confidence to finally tie the knot in 2018.

We purchased our first home with the intent of remodeling it. We found a 1-acre lot 5 minutes from town and were able to have a retreat in a heavily populated area. During the height of COVID, we finished the remodel of our house, sold it and moved back to northern Idaho. I got a job as a mechanical engineer with a large electrical infrastructure protection company based in Pullman, Washington.

Shortly after moving, we found out I was pregnant with our son, Reagan! He is now 2-years old. He is one of the best things in my life. I never would have imagined I’d love being a mom so much.

We currently live in another fixer upper project. We also bought 14 acres where we’ve started site prep to build our dream home. 

Who is Ryan Simler?

Now to give you a little bit about my husband! Ryan grew up in Kamiah, Idaho. More accurately he grew up in Woodland on his family's ranch. They raised cattle and horses and farmed a variety of grains including wheat, barley, and hay. He loves his family so much and would do anything for them. Ryan wrestled in high school where he competed at state all 4 years. He was also heavily involved in 4-H for 10 years and FFA through high school. Ryan was a volunteer firefighter for the Kamiah Fire Department. During the summers, Ryan worked on the family farm and on wildland fire crews. He’s never been afraid of hard work.

When I started at the University of Idaho, he transferred schools so we didn't have to do long distance. He majored in Forest Resources. During college, Ryan was the handyman for my sorority and also worked for a local carpentry company. 

When we moved to Western Washington he worked for a road striping company, a concrete company, and as a maintenance technician for a local water district. He excelled in each of these arenas. He loved the water district, but we were both ready to return to Idaho. 

When we came back to Moscow, Idaho, he worked for a fuel distribution company and as a water technician for a nearby town. We quickly realized these jobs weren't a great fit. 

How was Simler Solutions LLC founded?

In August 2022, I started tutoring an 8th grader in algebra. It turned out that her mom owned Magenta & Co. Real Estate. Tiffany and I became fast friends. I shared some of our struggles and how we were trying to figure out the next step for Ryan. He wanted to be fulfilled and valued, but his jobs weren’t giving him that. Tiffany suggested that we start a handyman company. We took a couple months to think it over. We evaluated the longevity, local need, and stability of the market. We decided to take the leap in October 2022. We got our insurance, contractor’s license and business license set up in Idaho. We were off to the races! 

Ryan worked part-time as a handyman and full time at his day-job for six full months. He was so busy! He made weeknight and weekend sacrifices to get his clientele established. Mind you, I was still tutoring 3 nights a week. Ryan would arrive home in time to say good night to Reagan then I would leave for tutoring. 

It was a crazy 6 months! In May 2023, Ryan officially stepped out full-time as a handyman! He’s had an exceptional summer and it’s shaping up to be a busy autumn! I just submitted our Washington licensing paperwork and am waiting for the filing to go through! Stay tuned for our Stateline expansion! 

Ryan is so much happier! He absolutely loves helping people and making their day better! Our goal is to make a large, positive impact on our community and be good role models for our son and future children. That is why our mission statement is Building relationships one house at a time. 

Link: https://www.simlersolutions.com/about-us

Jennifer Simler

Hello! My name is Jennifer Simler! I am a mom, a wife and a mechanical engineer! My husband and I own a handyman and small general contractor company. We are here to provide quality content on home improvement projects and the best products to get the job done.


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